Willhardt Memorial Window

Dublin Core


Willhardt Memorial Window


Miller Chapel


"The Willhardt Memorial Window was built by the Willet Company of Philadelphia especially for the Adam W Miller Chapel. It seeks to visualize for the worshipper the basic truths of the Christian faith. God has acted! His activity, as pictured in the symbols on the left, constantly involves creation, redemption and judgment. Man has been given the opportunity to receive! Man, as pictured in the symbols to the right, has been provided with biblical revelation, the life-changing experience of holiness, the call to sacrifice and service and the healing grace and strength of fellowship found only in God and among his people. Always, Christ is central. With the memory of the cross ever near, and the prison of the grave forever open, Christ says to you; I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations!"
-- Adam W Miller Chapel pamphlet


Anderson University and Church of God Archives: AC-B-SOT-0012


A pamphlet with a detailed description of the Willhardt Memorial Window is located in the Anderson University & Church of God Archives.



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“Willhardt Memorial Window,” Omeka @ Anderson University, accessed March 6, 2025,

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